Advanced computer modelling techniques in NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office allow us to disentangle the influences of CO2 sources and sinks and to better understand where carbon is coming from and going.
Fossil fuel emissions are visible as red representing emissions from fires over central Africa that are used to clear crop residue. Fires represent a much smaller source of CO2 to the atmosphere than fossil fuel emissions, but are significant because they can alter the ability of an ecosystem to sequester carbon in the future. Scientists are carefully monitoring how CO2 emissions from fires are altered by climate change, which is bringing longer and more severe fire seasons to many areas.
To learn more and for the full article complete with visualisations and data, visit:
NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio produces visualizations, animations, and images in order to promote a greater understanding of Earth and Space Sciences. They work closely with scientists — both within the NASA community, and within the broader academic research community — to create high-quality, data-backed visualizations.
For more incredible visualisations visit:
NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
- Andrew J Christensen (SSAI)
- Mark SubbaRao (NASA/GSFC)
- Helen-Nicole Kostis (USRA)
- Brenda Lopez-Silva (SSAI)
- Anansa B. Keaton-ashanti (NASA/GSFC)
- Greg Shirah (NASA/GSFC)
Technical support
- Laurence Schuler (ADNET Systems, Inc.)
- Ian Jones (ADNET Systems, Inc.)
- Lesley Ott (NASA/GSFC)

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