Let’s play with some assumptions.
A – That humans ‘perform’ their identity*
B – Some male humans are performing power and originality in order to attract a mate through reputation.
C – Finally it is reasonable to assume that performances such as these may be at the root of historical events.
‘Look at me, I’m wonderful because I have noticed that…because I’m smarter and stronger… I deserve….’
Can we trace the success of the Leave campaign in Britain for Brexit back to the sex urge of some of its main actors; Farage, Mogg and Johnson?
Was the root of their need for power; sociopathy? A dodgy pre-frontal cortex? Could we speculate it was their Fandangos (testicles)? Their biologically coded and subconscious need to reproduce?
Has the social harmony and economy of Britain been decimated because of peacocking? Could it be that Nigel Farage’s clackers are to be the principle organising factor of British life for the next decade-plus? Biological determinism would suggest this is probable.
In certain individuals might the subconscious sex urge be more determinative of their actions?
Their shamelessness, which is rewarded with reputation and power as it is often mistaken as clear-sightedness and strength, could be a sign that empathy and social factors are less important than more base and subconscious motives. Is Boris Johnson more or less a talking willy with an Eton education?
Also. Why do/did people fall for it. How is the psychological terrain so habitable for growing shameless bald-faced lies? Why do people see themselves as exceptional and fear the other?
When time, money and attention are scarce our judgement is compromised. We can quickly get locked into patterns of othering, delusion and hate. ‘When told simple stories by conmen who claim kinship with us because of a seemingly shared heritage’** we pay more attention because of this common identity. ‘The nationalist believes in the supremacy or the victimhood of a group of people mostly sharing some imagined biological or cultural traits.’**
A swathe of the British population was made gullible through priming and structural inequality then fed dumb exceptionalist and nationalist crap ad nauseam by platforms of communication owned almost exclusively by entitled individuals with little to no empathy, perhaps their hunger for power also dictated by their dangly bits?
On Nationalism, George Carlin expressed it best when he said the following:
“I could never understand ethnic or national pride. Because to me pride should be reserved for something you achieve or attain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being Irish isn’t a skill, it’s a fuckin’ genetic accident. You wouldn’t say I’m proud to be 5’11”. I’m proud to have a predisposition for colon cancer.’ So why the fuck would you be proud to be Irish, or proud to be Italian, or American or anything?”
The repetitious nature of these thinking models and manipulations through human history suggests we do not have any decent strategies for coping. So we need to examine.
We were just playing with assumptions here, around one factor of decision behaviours. Nonetheless, we now have questions.
- What does the estimated Brexit loss of 140 billion pounds look like when we map out the day-to-day health and comfort of the population in the UK? What opportunities are lost across the whole system?
- What effect could the loss of social harmony/coherence be?
- Do you recognise the behaviours of these individuals and their supporters? Where do you see these behaviours in our lives and systems and how do we mitigate against them?
- Was it the politicians’ dangly bits that made them do it?
- Is there any way that biological determinism, in whatever form, is not playing a huge and underappreciated role in our decision-making?

What do you think?
#RegulateStupidity #CriticalThinking #Gobshite #Clackers #Determinism #UnionJackass #mehole #ManifestDuncity #CruelBrittania #EatonMess #Exceptionalism #Colonialoscopy #Ballsology #DanglyBits
Further reading:
‘Determined. A science of life without free will’ , Sapolsky – Penguin Press – 2023
*Identity performance is a concept that holds that “identity” can be a project or a conscious effort or action taken to present oneself in social interactions. This is based on the definition of identity as an ongoing process of self-definition and the definitions of the self by others, which emerge from interaction with others.
** Sally Weintrobe – ‘The Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis’